Objective: Maintain
and Enhance the Financial Accounting Budgeting and Reporting Systems to Provide
Concise, Timely and Accurate Information
1. Continue restructuring the annual financial report for submission for consideration for “Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting” by the Government Finance Officers Association.
2. Present the mid-year budget adjustment to the Administrative Committee and Board of Directors at the January Board meeting each year.
3. Present quarterly financial status reports to the Administrative Committee and Board of Directors.
4. Coordinate the development of the annual budget for presentation of a first draft to the Administrative Committee and Board of Directors in May of each year.
5. Coordinate the development of the annual budget for adoption by the Administrative Committee and Board of Directors in June of each year.
Objective: Assure that Internal Controls Protect the District’s Assets and Provide Financial Integrity
1. Submit the annual financial audit to the Administrative Committee and Board of Directors by November 30 of each year.
2. Monitor the cash control process to assure maximum return and protect reserve levels.
3. Maintain centralized budget controls in support of Division Managers.
Objective: Prudently
Manage Investments to Minimize Risk and Maximize Returns
1. Review the District Investment Policy with the Administrative Committee and Board of Directors no later than February of each year.
2. Continue to provide a quarterly investment report to the Administrative Committee and Board of Directors.
Objective: Manage Labor Relations
Continue initiatives to
maintain satisfactory Labor/Management relations with
LIUNA/UPEC Local 270.
2. Negotiate annual Memorandum of Understanding with Confidential Group by June 30 of each year in which a contract expires.
Objective: Maintain
a District Risk Management Program to Minimize Exposure to Loss while Striving
to Maximize Operating Efficiency and Reduce Expenses
1. Continue to evaluate and develop the risk management program and negotiate appropriate insurance coverage levels for property and liability exposures.
Objective: Provide for a Safe and Healthy
1. Maintain the District health and safety program, including a safety-training program.
2. Identify and develop safety procedures for compliance with new and pending regulations.
3. Maintain a process for identifying and correcting workplace hazards.